My Story
Chances are you have found my website because you are searching for answers to health issues you simply cannot shake. Just like you, I also was in search of answers.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lynda Cross, I live in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan and I would love to share my story with you.
In the year 2000, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. If you are not familiar with this disease, a brief minimal description would be this; Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) characterized by inflammation of the digestive or gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Symptoms include; endless trips to the bathroom, fevers, constant abdominal pain and cramping, fatigue, low energy, and anemia to name a few.
With this diagnosis, the next 14 years was a journey consisting of frequent hospital stays, many doctor visits, struggles with special dietary needs, and of course, consuming numerous medical prescription drugs.
Exhausted from the constant struggles of attempting to manage the disease, tired of taking several expensive specialty medications, the starting and stopping of medications, battling with insurance companies, the need for a solution to rid my body of the disease caused me to seek out alternative and holistic methods.
My state of health began to change for the better when I had a simple, non-evasive test done. This test is called Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). Who would have thought that a simple clipping of my hair could reveal so much about my biochemistry and show what minerals my body was lacking and the toxic minerals it was struggling to rid itself of! With results in hand, a vitamin and mineral supplement plan in place and a diet plan specific to my needs, I slowly began experiencing small but positive changes in my everyday well-being. I am now sleeping better, experiencing more energy, thinking more clearly (less brain fog) and my hair is growing better. Within one year, I had weaned myself off all prescribed medications. I am once again enjoying the activities I love; traveling, golfing, riding bike, kayaking or simply just being outdoors. This statement still holds true today. I have never felt healthier!
Realizing that many people suffer from IBS, Crohn’s and other unrelated health issues I was inspired to help others. In 2016 I received my Diploma in Nutritional Balancing Science-Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis from Westbrook University under the direction of Dr. Lawrence Wilson, MD. I went on to study Holistic Nutrition Consulting and in August 2017 received my certification from the American College of Healthcare Sciences.
Thank you for spending time with me. I look forward to hearing your story and assisting you on your journey to better health. Stay awesome!

Lynda Cross, CHNC, NB
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Disclaimer: Development and nutritional balancing are methods to reduce stress on the body and help people reach their full human potential. All information on this website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure for any health condition, mental or physical, real or imaginary.